Ishq e Laa Drama Hum TV

Shireen is scheduled to meet with Mr and Shireen is meeting with Mr and Mrs Raza in order to talk about the suggestion for Shanaya. Our super-successful guy Azlan hasn’t yet learned his lesson. Azlan thinks Shanaya might be a part of Fahad due to his friendship. I was under the impression that Shanaya wouldn’t do that. However, I am now convinced. Shanaya is in the process of meeting Fahad as well as his mom Mehnaz. The meeting is going well till… Mr. Arrogant phone calls Shanaya, Shanaya does not simply answer the call but also resigns to his bossy behavior that is not appropriate. Ishq e Laa Drama Hum TV. I love how Fahad remains smiling and putting on a confident appearance. He’s not bitter, he’s positive and serene. I love his personality.

Ishq e Laa Drama Timing

Release Date: October 21, 2025

Genre: Drama

Timing: Thursday at 8pm (PKT)

Channel: HUM TV

Production: MD Productions

This scene with Azlan as well as Shanaya is both beautiful and disturbing simultaneously. The heroine desires to have love in her life and the hero doesn’t even comprehend the meaning of love. Our heroine desires her partner to be aware of her life, while the hero doesn’t want to leave his comfort zone.

It’s fair, but it’s not fair. Azlan is willing to join Shanaya and meet people she encounters. Although he isn’t averse with her way of life, he continues to accompany her and eating golgappe together with her, although he doesn’t enjoy the taste. He’s ready to alter his habits to Shanaya and this is a sign of respect.

Ishq e Laa Drama Hum TV

Ishq e Laa Drama Hum TV

Ishq e Laa Cast Name and Biography

Shanaya’s mother’s issues are the primary topic of conversation whenever they’re with each other. It remains to be determined what the reason is. The most significant thing that happened tonight was going to be on Shanaya and Azlan’s direction. Azlan is a mystery to be solved, especially with regards about his relationships with Shanaya. While they were looking for a gift for his mother and he let her pick the item despite saying he would decide on the gift. When Shanaya seemed to be worried when she called He was ready to visit her as soon as he could. The perfectionist part of his personality was highlighted by this incident when he smashed the vas. It brought back memories of Azka breaking her perfume and being held responsible for it, as the case was if she had done it deliberately. But that’s not the way Azlan saw the situation and was quite discontent with himself. It also showed that he didn’t set impossible standards only for other people, and for himself!

This outing is also a source of a subplot that can be used the future. At the moment, Azlan doesn’t believe in “zaat se zaat tak ka safar” However, we’re certain that this will change in the near future.

Ishq e Laa Drama Review

Sajal is a beautiful model and does justice to her role. In fact, Azan Sami Khan is awe-inspiring. That’s the first time. His facial expressions while Azlan as well as Shanaya are on the move, is spot right.

Seemi Raheel always is a mom you can feel for. She has the most expressive eyes. She is a delight to watch! Laila Zuberi’s scene from her movie was also lovely

ishq e laa novel by qaisra hayat.

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